We have two spots for internships for a B2C edtech startup founded by Oxford/ IIT Delhi grad going after a $200B market.

Our mission is to enable a billion+ people to learn, teach, and connect better.

We have built the product after extensive user research. We are post-MVP, pre-launch. We are fundraising starting April and expecting to close the round before July. As the founders shift focus towards fundraising, we are opening up places two interns to take over the product.

What we are looking for

Essential Skills

Phase 1: Pre-Fundraise


We will make sure you have as few meetings as possible to ship as many exciting things as possible. If you join, you will have the opportunity to do both backend and frontend and build features 0 to 1 at scale. If you don’t have experience with backend/infra, you’ll learn on the job—we will teach you.
